Why leave a gift in your Will?

When you leave a gift in your Will – also known as a bequest – you’ll be making sure that no matter how bad things get, there will always be a Lifeline for Queenslanders in crisis.

After looking after the needs of your loved ones, leaving a gift in your Will ensures the compassionate, meaningful values you carry through life will continue in the legacy you leave behind.

Your special gift will keep our future generations safe by preventing suicide.

Amanda’s story

As a child, Amanda was motivated, resilient and did well at school. Then things changed.

At the age of 11, she experienced events no young person should go through.

Amanda could not cope. She felt she was “good for nothing”, and so began a series of dark periods in her life, fighting this feeling whenever it surfaced.

Amanda continued to battle her feelings into adulthood. But fortunately, she discovered what she calls her “secret coping mechanism” – Lifeline.

Amanda has frequently reached out to Lifeline and is grateful to the Crisis Supporters who were there to listen.

My calls to Lifeline are life or death,” she says.

Every time I called Lifeline – and it was many times – I knew the counsellor on the other end of the phone cared about my life.

Because Crisis Supporters saved her life “many times over”, Amanda has decided to leave a gift in her Will to Lifeline. Through her gift, she wants to support Lifeline to train more Crisis Supporters to help other people in crisis and save lives.

She encourages more Queenslanders to support Lifeline in their Will so Crisis Supporters will be there for future generations.

Lifeline must continue and answer all calls for help, just like they answered mine. Our community would not cope without Lifeline.

How your Will can save lives

When you leave a gift in your Will to Lifeline Queensland, your kindness and compassion will save the lives of thousands of Australians, for many years to come. Whether the experience is an aftermath of a natural disaster or feeling desperate, a single conversation can give a person in crisis the strength to go on.

Suicide prevention and support

When someone in crisis is thinking about suicide, making that call to Lifeline can be the difference between life and death.

You can help make sure that no matter how bad things get, there is always someone to answer their call. You can give Lifeline Crisis Supporters the training they need to talk with someone when they’re suicidal, keep them safe and help them find a reason to go on.

Together, we can provide the crucial moments of connection that bring hope and save lives.

Disaster relief

Queensland communities are prone to disaster. It’s the weeks and months after bushfires, floods, drought, cyclones, pandemics and tragedy that Queenslanders start to despair.

You can't prevent these disasters from occurring, but you can make sure there is urgent support on the ground and over the phone. You can ensure emotional and psychological first aid is there for vulnerable people in crisis-affected communities.

Because of you, Queenslanders won't have to face grief, trauma and loss alone – during and after a crisis.

How to leave a gift in your Will

Types of bequests

The type of gift you can leave in your Will to Lifeline Queensland depends on your circumstances and the legacy you’d like to leave behind. Even the smallest gift can make a big difference to people in crisis.

You may consider leaving a gift in your Will to Lifeline Queensland comprising of:

  • the whole of your estate
  • a percentage of your estate
  • the residue of your estate
  • a specific gift.

If you’re unsure what type of gift to choose, we recommend discussing it with your family, a legal professional or our bequests team.

Whatever type of gift you choose, be assured that it’s a wonderful way to give to charity, and it will make a significant difference for generations.

Write your will with Safewill

Through our partnership with Safewill, an online Will writing platform, we have made the process of writing your Will quicker and easier.

Writing a Will is one of the most important things you can do in your life to protect those you love and care for including your pets.

After you have taken care of your loved ones, would you consider leaving a small portion of what is left of your estate to Lifeline Queensland to help prevent suicide and save lives? Your legacy has the potential to continue to give hope, kindness and connection to those that are at risk and to the families that love them, now and into the future.

Write your Will today and enjoy 50% off the full price (usually $160).

 Complete your will today

Suggested Wording


“I give [specify the type of gift e.g. whole of estate, percentage of estate, rest and residue of estate, specific dollar amount, specific asset] to UnitingCare Queensland Limited (ACN 675 001 493) (or its successor) for its general purposes. It is my wish that the gift be used to benefit Lifeline Queensland. I declare the receipt of an authorised officer of UnitingCare Queensland Limited (ACN 675 001 493) (or its successor) will be a complete discharge for my executor who is not required to see to the application of the gift.”

Download our free Gift in Will guide

Enquire now

If you are considering leaving a gift in your Will to Lifeline Queensland or would like further information or support to organise getting your Will finalised, please fill in the form below or contact our Gift in Will team for a confidential discussion on 1800 961 881 or email plannedgiving@ucareqld.com.au

If you have included a gift in your Will to Lifeline Queensland, we would be grateful if you would kindly let us know. We often receive unexpected gifts and would love to have the opportunity to say thank you and talk to you about how we can acknowledge your kind and generous support. Call us for a confidential discussion or fill in the contact form below.

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